As she took her place, perched on top of his leg, he began talking to her. He asked if she had been good this year and if she had sent him a letter yet. She informed him that we would be doing that later that night. Next he asked her what she wanted most for Christmas. I was ready for her to say something along the line of "my little pony" or "toy story movie"...
This is what I hear -- "I want my baby sister to come out of my mommy's tummy."
Santa, if you can read this. Can you please give her that one wish at the very least? Thanks...
Moving on...
Recently several of Morghan's toys have had the batteries die or are malfunctioning in some way, and I just haven't got around to fixing them. She has a bird flashlight that tweets but the light bulb doesn't work. A toy CD player and blow dryer that need replacement batteries.
She was walking around the house one day and she came to me, very angry and told me she needed to talk to Santa Claus right away. I asked her why and this was her reply... "Nothing works anymore and it makes me upset! I'm going to ask him for a working BeBe (what she calls her bird flashlight), a working blow dryer, a working CD player and a TV. At least maybe he can bring me batteries!"
hahaha! She is a hoot! Hopefully, we can get our girls together someday! :)