Friday, July 22, 2011

Fluff Butt

So about a month ago I became tired of all the disposable diapers and the forever persistent diaper rash on Grace. Lots of moms on my parenting board talk about cloth diapering and at first I was like "whatever, that's gross." Well, I no longer think that. I spent a month researching and it is NOTHING like I thought. I mean, sure, you can still do it old school with diaper pins, pre-folds and covers, but I wasn't looking for that. They have cloth diapers that are almost exactly like disposables. They are just made out of CLOTH. They even have velcro (a Daddy fave). Chase was completely turned off by the idea, until I showed him how much we would be saving. He gave me the "OK" and I went and purchased everything I needed. In total I probably spend a little over $200 (that's a big number, I know!) but I never have to worry about running out of diapers or wipes anymore. PLUS++She hasn't had a diaper rash in over a month. I'm glad I opened my mind, and this quickly became an addiction. Besides, she totally rocks the cute prints. Here she is rocking the "Mickey Mouse". She also has Hello Kitty, Flowers, Butterflies, Cherries, flowers, tons of solids.

I can't believe I didn't do this sooner. I know a lot of people think its crazy, I was one of them.