Thursday, March 19, 2009

The cow says.... MOO

Funny sayings from my child...

While riding home from school yesterday we are going through all the animal sounds when Morghan stops and asks "Mommy, what does Daddy say?", i said 'I don't know what does Daddy say?'.... Morghan's response was instant Daddy says "HUSH THAT NOISE!!!"

Morghan's almost completely potty trained and so one day she let me know she was going to go to the potty and I said "ok." About 2 minutes later I walk down the hall to see why she hasn't come out and the looks up and says "I can't go yet, I need a book."

She is completely upset with Chase for leaving last night. Tears, anger, denial.. its all there. From the moment we pulled away she started darting her eyes and head every which way going "Mommy I cant see Daddy anymore! Mommy I cant see Daddy anymore" in a tone of complete panic! She doesn't understand why she is gone and I feel so bad for the little one. Ever since my surgery she has been his shadow in every way. She used to get excited when I walked in the door from work, now she gets excited for Daddy to come home. As sooon as she woke up this morning she was running about the house looking for him. I tried to tell her he was at work(which is true, work just moved to another location for right now) but she wasn't going to have it. Every time I said it she came back with "No he's not gone Mommy, that's not nice. Don't say that" This will be a looooong 6 weeks, I can tell already.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bad things come in 3's,4's and 5's

#1. So Wednesday night I get a call telling me that Morghan is running a fever of 106 F. ... Nearly had a heart attack as I bolted out the door saying I wasn't coming in tomorrow. The whole way home I was coaching Chase on what to do. Strip her down to her panties, get a cool washclothe, grab a pedialtye popsicle, giver her motrin... I felt as if I couldn't get home fast enough. Its so odd that she would have this right now because at almost the exact time last year she was running a high fever as well. Finally I walked in the door and scooped up my little fireball. I felt like I was going to burn myself just holding her!

#2. Still running a fever we stayed home from school/work and hung out all day. By the end of the day she seemed to feeling much better so I loaded her up and ran to the store to pick up some things for dinner. So later that night Chase was outside cooking the steaks and I went out there to check and see if mine was cookedthe way I wanted yet. I didn't realize that Morghan would be standing on the otherside of the door awaiting my return. Now as if a wooden door wouldnt be bad ours is METAL, a big heavy metal door. The only window is so small and high I would have to stand on my toes to see in. Not thinking I ran in to the house to check on the potatoes.

As I run in I slam the door right in to Morghan knocking her back and easy 2-3 feet and immeadiately she is screaming the worst, painful scream you can imagine. I grab her and run to the couch trying to calm her down inspecting her for any and all boo-boos. Its at this point I realize her foot may be broken. I'm screeeeaaaming from the living room for Chase to come inside a good couple minutes before he hears me. We grabbed an ice pack, which she reluctantly place on her foot. We waited for her to calm down before sitting her on the counter to compare her feet. Its pretty obvious that her right foot is swollen already a red/purple color. As mean as it sounds I lightly pressed on her foot to make sure there wasnt some massive break. We didn't take her to the ER because we both know it wouldn't accomplilsh anything. They wont cast toes! The next morning I took her to see her Pediatrician who told me that not going to the ER is ok.
All in all she as 3 broken bones, and as I said they will not put a cast on her. Little ones grow so quickly they'd have to change it every other week. She can walk on it just fine now I just have to keep an eye out to see if she starts limping or has an increase in pain as those could signify a stress fracture.

#3. Today we had a kitchen fire. It was awful, and if Chase hadn't been there I seriously do now know what I would have done. I froze up and my mind was a complete blank. The best I can figure something had fallen under the burner and caught on fire, because I wasnt frying anything that could have splashed out. As soon as I saw the flames I grabbed the skillet and pots and put them on the other side of the kitchen and just started yelling for Chase. He grabbed the fire extg. and went to work. 10 seconds later the fire alarm went off and took Morghan outside so she wasn't breathing in the smoke and chemicals from the extinguisher. We spent the next 30 minutes cleaning the stove up YAY! Lucky I save some time because the pasta kept cooking while it sat on the other counter haha.

#4. Chase is leaving on Wednesday for 6 weeks. Totally sucks.

#5. My daughter's favorite way to torture me is to say I'm not her mom, and she doesn't want to be my friend, and she doesnt love me. I may deserve this after breaking her foot and all.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

What goes through her brain...

So the past week has been a little crazy with Morghan. She has been getting in to a lot of different things like shampoo, tooth paste, lotion, soap... if its something smelly she can find it no matter where it is. She must have a super nose! Anyways almost every morning for the past week I wake up to a mess.

There was lotion squeezed in to a glass bowl
hair gel all over the toilet seat
hairspray all over HER
she emptied my prescrition nose spray
lotion all over the carpet
soap all along her foot board rail

I don't know what to do with her. 5 minutes after being punished she acts like nothing ever happened! We discovered last night that she can climb on the toilet to get in to the medicine cabinet where she found Chase's cologne... dear dear dear the bathroom smelled so awful! Today I went out and bought a shelf to put everything on so now there is NOTHING in the cabinet. I also had to get a tooth brush holder that sticks to the mirror up high so she can't get those. I'm tired of finding my tooth brush on the floor and sterilizing it constantly or buying a new one! I'd block off the bathroom but for the sheer fact that she's almost 100% potty trained I dont want to ruin it. We did however bring the baby gate back out and put it in the hallway so she cant make it to the kitchen where she also likes to empty the pantry or fridge. Locks do not work with the little houdini.

Ok so while I'm typing this she's dumping bubble bath into an empty bath tub GOTTA GO!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Feeling Irritated...

I know its none of my business how someone raises their child but when you are putting your child in danger it really upsets me. There is this one family in particular that is just rushing their newborn to grow up, and for a newborn they seem to expect too much! The poor baby was in a bumbo seat at 4 weeks old, at 6 weeks they had the baby in a jumperoo, and now just 2 weeks later are feeding the child actual baby food. Why don't you just go ahead and turn her car seat around to front facing while your at it, oh wait that's already been done. The child is in one of those convertible car seats facing front so mommy can see. THEY MAKE MIRRORS! There are rules and guidelines for all of these things and it just seems like they don't care.

I'm not saying I'm perfect because God knows I'm not but I do my best to take care of our daughter and give her a great live that she deserves. I realize all children are different but some things have safety guidelines for the child's health and safety. At 8 weeks no infant should be on baby food. I know this baby goes to the same pediatrician as Morghan and Dr, Karen would NEVER approve. As for the car seat, that is just ridiculous and stupid! I remember wanting to turn Morghan's seat around but I held off until she was 1 year. I went with the guidelines for the well being of my child not because I wanted her to grow up and accomplish things quickly. If they are in a car accident that poor baby could be killed because of their stupidity.

I wish they would just slow down and take care of that baby. She deserves a happy,healthy life. They need to enjoy her while she's little. I know, and I know that other mom's know how quickly they grow on their own. They do NOT need to be rushed in to unhealthy situations. Like I said, I know its none of my business. I just needed to vent somewhere so I wrote it in here.