Monday, November 8, 2010

No More Marine Corps 18 months. (this is long, be prepared)

It's a shame that it has come to this, but we just can't take anymore. About 2 years ago Chase's name was put on to a list to be pulled for recruiting. Anyone who knows Chase, would know that he just isn't the guy for that billet. He was given the opportunity to change his billet to be an instructor at the schools. The ONLY reason he wasn't able to is because his Sgt Maj at that time was the former Sgt Maj of recruiting. He thought it was the best, and would not let Chase transfer to instructor. In turn, due to family circumstances, Chase denied the recruiting orders. I will be honest here. Had he taken those orders, I can almost guarantee you that our marriage/family would have fallen apart. I won't go in to details on that though. By denying Marine Corps orders Chase was given a code that prevents him from re enlisting or even gaining rank. The only way he would be allowed to have that code removed from his file is to take new recruiting orders.

Where am I going with this? Chase was to pick up rank this year as a Staff Sgt after only 6 years in the Marines. Everyone in his shop knows it, even the Major who has pointed on several occasions that Chase has more qualifications than the majority of the Staff Sgts in Ordnance and even several Gunnery Sgts. At least SOMEONE notices this...but it is still irritating. Had that Sgt Maj just let Chase take the billet for instructor none of this would be an issue. Furthermore, the Major pulled Chase in to his office the other day to inform him that his name was BACK on the list for recruiting. He can't deny orders this time... however! By the time they pull Chase in to interview, and he attends the class he has to have 2 years remaining on his contracted time with the Corps. Currently he only has 18 months which would have him as unapproved for recruiting UNLESS he agrees to re enlist.

He come home with the news just days after learning of his January deployment date. We sat on the couch that night and discussed everything. It didn't take long to see that we were on the same page. We were done.

Since Chase has been at this duty station he has had nothing but rounds of bad luck so to speak. He works incredibly hard. I could give you pages upon pages of things he has done that have Navy Achievement Medal paperwork pending on them. Yet, if you know anything about MALS-31 you know that paperwork is about as far as anything gets around here. As I mentioned before, he is more qualified than higher ranks. He has outstanding fitreps. He continuously gets put on dets that have him always training junior Marines, but never actually putting his own training in to use. He was in charge of the production of a multimillion dollar piece of equipment that was the only one that works in the Marine Corps... Still waiting on the paperwork for that medal as well! He hasn't been able to deploy, which is something he's been wanting since Morghan was born, 4 years ago. They constantly send out those who have no training, those who are text book quals (they read the material necessary to get the qualifications, yet if you needed them to actually use their knowledge they wouldn't be able to). This list could go on forever... but didn't always used to be this way which makes it all the more frustrating.

We discussed re enlisting to go recruiting, knowing that they wouldn't keep him once they realized he is not the fight person for that billet. From there Chase would be able to pick up rank and continue on a career path.

It grew quiet for a few moments as we thought things through and Chase spoke up.

Chase has decided he would rather be a good father than to continue working his ass off and not getting the recognition he deserves for it. So in Spring 2012, he will be getting out of the Marine Corps. It is a shame, but maybe this is the decision that is best for our family.

1 comment:

  1. They just have no clue how to retain the good ones and they don't seem to care! Josh and I have said this a million times before.
