So Thursday I got my new medication and Chase and I headed out of town. Not too far, just down to Jacksonville for a couple nights. I had a great time and my medicine seemed to be working. I went 24 hours without being sick and then by Saturday it had returned and it was relentless. I had to work on Sunday even through all my protesting and being told I could go early. That did not happen! I worked 13 hours straight and the only break was when my supervisor ordered pizza for everyone. I sat down and had some water and the crust off a piece of pizza. I knew better than to eat the pizza... 1. Anything real greasy makes me sick. 2. I hadn't kept down dinner Saturday night or breakfast that morning. I finally got off and we sat out and watched fireworks. I held my own until we got home.
I tossed and turned all night and by 4am I was in hell so to speak. I hurt from head to toe, literally. My hair on my head hurt I was in so much pain. I was able to take some Tylenol and finally sleep until around 9... but I stayed in bed. For hours I tried to keep down liquid but I couldn't. Within 15 minutes I was running to the sink. By noon I could barely keep my eyes open long enough for Chase to even talk to me. I didn't want to move, I didn't have the strength to move. He raced me to the ER where we found people who had been there 4 &5 hours in the waiting room. For an average ER this might be normal, but not at the Naval Hospital. I was worried that something bad might happen before then. Triage nurse took my vitals and after taking my blood pressure 3 times she rushed me back to bed... but not before I threw up again.
Immediately I was hooked up to and IV for fluids and they started me on yet another new medication called Reglan (sp?). This turned out to be a bad thing as I was about as useful as a person doped up on morphine and as crazy as one too! They stopped that and pushed more fluids and ran a higher dose of the Zofran I was already on. The only issue was that before the 8 hours was up I needed more because I started getting sick again. It took 2 bags of fluids before I even had the urge to use the bathroom and even then it was pretty pathetic. Once I went an additional 4 hours without being sick I was released to go home.
So far I've just been incredibly queasy but have yet to be sick **knock on wood** I decided to take off tomorrow and stay at home to relax an extra day. Hopefully I feel better soon and don't end up back in the ER. My arm hurts just thinking about that wretched IV....
omg! feel better soon amy!!!! I couldn't even imagine being so sick! rest up and take care of yourself!