Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy Girls

Morghan enjoys every breath this baby makes! From the moment she wakes up until its time for bed Morghan is constantly asking if she can hold Grace or help feed her. If she knows I'm about to change her diaper, Morghan races ahead of me to pull a diaper out and hand it to me followed by opening the wipes warmer for me. She is a great little helper.

So we recently learned from the Pediatrician that Grace has a clogged tear duct. Its nothing serious, and will resolve itself over time. Basically we just have to keep tissues on hand for when she wakes up because she will have an overflow of tears and eye gunk that we need to gently wipe away. She is back at her birth weigh only because we were having to supplement one bottle of formula each day. I'm thrilled however that we no longer need to do that as it makes nursing more difficult.

It amazes me how different my two girls are. As a baby ...

Morghan was so easily bored with things and smiles were hard to come by with her, even giggles were rare.
Gracie however smiles at me all the time when I blow on her belly or kiss her neck.I know they say babies don't give "social smiles" until at least 4 weeks but I currently disagree!

Morghan was a tummy sleeper from the time she was 2 weeks old.
Grace would rather lay on her side and in fact kicks herself over to her side no matter which way you lay her down.

Morghan LOVED to swing and hated being in her bouncer.
Grace is the complete opposite... I am now in search of a bouncer seat!

Morghan was an incredibly quiet baby, except when it came to crying!
Gracie has been so incredibly vocal from the day she was born. She "talks" constantly through diaper/clothing changes and after feedings. For the most part she has only really cried two times when we were in the car and I couldn't feed her right then.

Morghan didn't sleep through the night once until she was around 6 weeks old.
Grace has pulled off 2 all-nighters so far, generally around the time I think I'm going to go crazy from lack of sleep! (Maybe she senses my distress-lol)

As for now, Grace appears to have hit a growth spurt that is utterly exhausting.
I think nap time is in order for Mommy since both girls have finally drifted off to sleep! :)

1 comment:

  1. I knew you would like that bow holder! Anyone with girls would just love it, I feel like making it as a gift!

    ps. Can Morghan teach Anakin how to be a good older sibling when the time comes lol?!
