Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tick Tock Tick Tock


Thursday Night:

Felt nauseated most of the evening. Managed to drink some water, not too interested in food.

Friday :

Around 5AM I woke up and instantly ran for the bathroom. Although my stomach was empty, that didn't stop my body's attempt to remove my stomach contents. Instantly I began having contractions, probably from the violent muscle spasms of throwing up. I knew sleep wouldn't happen, so I began cleaning the kitchen. Chase got up around 615 to get ready for work and I told him that my back was killing me... and it pretty much was. Once the kitchen was clean I began having a few painful contractions so I sent him a text letting him know he needed to be prepared to leave work. I decided to go lay back down in bed and relax thinking I had maybe just outdone myself somehow. Morghan brought her tea set and other toys into my room because she didn't want to leave me alone lol. I stayed there with contractions coming about 7-8 minutes apart until about 2 hours later when they seemed to have subsided.

Around 1200 my contractions were around 4-5 minutes, but not all that uncomfortable. I started making lunch for Morghan and I when suddenly I was struck by a horrific pain in my right side. It was down right debilitating and I was scared to death. I could not get it to stop and walking was excruciating. I made my way to the recliner and called my nurse and left her a message. Terrified that something was wrong with the baby I called Chase in tears and told him he needed to come home. (It was actually the 2nd time he would be coming home as the dog ran away just an hour earlier) My nurse called back a few minutes later and said that since it was a continuous pain she suggested that it was my round ligament spasming. Painful? Very much! Uncommon? No. She said to use moist heat, take 2 Tylenol and wait 30 minutes to call back.

I believe I made it to 25 minutes before I panicked and called her back. Reason being that from the moment I got off the phone the pain would worsen in waves around every 4-5 minutes... right along with the contractions. The pain was already bad but the contractions had me in tears. She told me to go to Labor and Deliver immediately to be evaluated. While I struggled to get dressed, Chase loaded Morghan and our bags in to the truck just in case we wouldn't be coming back home that night.

By the time I was hooked up to monitors the nurse looked at me and said "no doubt about it, you are contracting every couple minutes!" Thing was, I only felt every other one which was odd to me. My blood pressure was elevated to 141/92 and my pulse was 140. (Yah, I know!) So while I'm going through this pain my blood pressure and pulse are also being taken every 5 minutes which wasn't really helping. As the searing pain subsided, so did my numbers luckily. After being there for several hours we are finally sent home because although I was contracting like clockwork, they weren't strong enough to cause me to dilate any further. GREAT! (not)

We decided to go grocery shopping just in case labor did in fact happen, we would at least have food! It usually takes me about 45 minutes, but naturally the walking was awful on my back pain which unfortunately had not gone away. We ended up being at the grocery store for an hour and fifteen minutes, and we then had to go to Walmart to get some extra stuff as well which was another 35 minutes. We grabbed a pizza on the way home and by 8:15 I was so worn out I headed to bed.

For the first few hours I was miserable. The contractions had slowed to about 6-7 minutes, but still just strong enough to make it hard to stay asleep. Around midnight I woke up and realized they had stopped. Straight up aggravating, I was really hoping things would progress overnight as the did with Morghan. I couldn't go back to sleep so I paid bills and straightened up a few things and passed out around 130am...... and I didn't wake up until 8:30am.

Saturday :

SEVEN hours of uninterrupted sleep. That hasn't happened since my second trimester. I felt amazing when I woke up.

Then I stood up. There it was again. My backache that seemed to have multiplied overnight. I tried the heating pad all morning while my sweet husband made breakfast, cleaned up, and started the laundry! Even with Tylenol, it just wasn't working. Even now as I go to sit, stand and especially to bend it is almost impossible. I really hope this little monkey decides to come soon because I'm not entirely sure how much more of this I can take.


  1. Sweetie, this is seriously giving me flashbacks when I was going into labor with Ayla. This little girl had me contracting at 29 weeks-- luckily, she was transverse the whole time; however, it gave me the worst pain.

    I hope this little girl makes her appearance soon! I can't wait to see her gorgeous little face. :)

  2. Come on Grace, why are you giving your mommy such a hard time? You have yourself one little diva!! I hope she comes soon Amy, so you can have some relief. You are in my prayers, God give little Grace a small kick in the rear and get her moving!
