Monday, November 22, 2010


Stay At Home Mom... Day 1

So, I've recently been forced to quit my job since my senior supervisor thinks I should only work one day a week for the duration of my pregnancy. My question is... How would you want your pregnant daughter treated at work? (She is due the same time as myself) Other than that asshole, I enjoyed my job and the people I work with. I'm going to miss them terribly. I've even joked that I'll be up there a couple days a week because I will be so bored!

I've always said I'm not that stay at home mom"type"... I still hold true to that statement. I need to keep busy, I get stir crazy when I sit at home all day. Its hard when you are used to working 5 days a week. Its a big adjustment, not only for myself but for Morghan as well. She is used to pre-school where she had structured learning. Already this morning, it feels overwhelming to have a 4 year old running through my house openly defying me. I never had too many issues with her on weekends and school nights. By the end of the school day she was so worn out that she was "easy" to deal with so to speak. On weekends we are usually busy running errands that there is not a lot of free time for her to run around like a crazy child at home. She had a routine she was used to and now I've thrown her out of whack. I fear it will take time to get her back into a new routine... just to turn around and have a newborn to set everything off balance again.

Don't get me wrong, I love her and I love spending time with her. This is all new to me and its more work than I imagined it was going to be. My goal is to have a schedule worked out (at least on paper) for Morghan and myself. I don't think I'm being a bad mom by sulking, I'm just not sure where to begin this new adventure.


  1. Don't be too hard on yourself! I feel the exact same way. That is why I need her in pre-school, even if it is a few hours a day, twice a week. Good luck! (And enjoy just having one running around, hehe)

  2. I completely understand Amy. For the first 6 months after having Anakin, I was going nuts! I am not the SAHM type either! School helped me relieve ,and maybe add some,stress but it's so nice to get out of the house and do something!
