Being that I have to work this evening (yes, on Valentine's Day) Chase and I went on our date yesterday. We did things a little different by going to the movie (we saw Taken) first and then dinner. I loved it, thought it was a great film. Essentially its about a government operative who's daughter is kidnapped by a foreign slave operation. That's all the information I will divulge in case its a film you'd like to see. We both enjoyed our time together.
So last night we watched Fireproof. It was sort of a bargain if you will. In order to get Chase to watch it I had to rent him a movie he wanted to see. Its not that he's not religious, he's just not very open about faith and God. As anyone whose seen it will tell you it was a low budget film with a wonderful message. I was surprised at the fact he actually watched and paid attention to the movie which was fantastic! Its about a married a young couple who's marriage is falling apart and aren't sure how to save it. I would personally recommend this movie to anyone. Especially young married couples who may find themselves in the same situation from time to time.
This morning we got up and made breakfast together, and let Morghan open her Valentine's gift. My mom used to always give my brother and I something small so I thought I would do the same for Morghan. Anywhoo being that she loves music so much I only found it reasonable to get her one of the cards that plays a little tune. SHE LOVES IT! We had to convince her to put it down to open her little gift. This too she loved, we got her a dinnerware set with Tinkerbell on it. Its a plate, cup, bowl, fork, and spoon. She wanted to use them immediately!
OK well, I'm off to spend my last couple hours with the hubbs before I'm off to work. I hope every one's day was wonderful! :)
I heard about that movie from someelse too! I guess I will have to rent it. I asked hubby if he considered watching(he too is not open about God but is a believer) and he said yes. Happy vday to you and your fam!