Stay right where you are!
So last week was a bit of a roller coaster. Tuesday and Wednesday I noticed several times through out the day that it appeared as though I was leaking fluid. Embarrassed at first that I may have somehow had an accident I kept it to myself, even though it didn't feel like I had actually peed on myself. As it persisted throughout the day, I began to worry because it certainly didn't smell, or look like pee. I waited until Thursday to call my OB because I needed to make sure that it was still occurring, plus I was now having some minor cramping.
Concerned, She sent me to the ER for monitoring and testing. Hours later the testing was a bit inconclusive. Although upon examination no amniotic fluid was found, the pH test was indicative that perhaps there was a leak... or at least had been a leak. I was sent home to rest as the other tests would take a while and they didn't see the need for me to sit there and wait hours. First thing Friday morning I was in the OB office to replicate the pH test, get results from last nights lab work and do an ultrasound to double check fluid levels around the baby. Again, the pH test was a little questionable, although now the reading was heading back the direction it should have been all along, which made the Dr relieved. Ultrasound revealed that levels were in fact a little low, but not alarmingly so. I was sent home and told to take it easy.
After a few follow up phone calls, its been decided that I should be okay. Thursday evening was the last time I noticed the leaking fluid so all would appear to be back to normal. The Dr explained that the amniotic sac has two layers, and I might have developed a hole in the outer layer, losing the fluid contained just between the two layers. It may then have resealed and replenished itself with fluid. We may never know what the mystery fluid was for sure, but I am incredibly thankful that it has stopped. I will continue to take it easy for a few weeks and keep an extra observant eye on things... just in case.
Oh yah .... Doc didn't have a great shot but thinks that perhaps the baby is a girl. We will know for sure next week.